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Sunday, November 22, 2009
Download Video Bokep 3gp Panas Temanggung, Jawa Tengah
Friday, November 20, 2009
A Perseid Fireball Meteor Come To Our Earth
Brian Emfinger of Ozark, Arkansas, photographed this early Perseid just after midnight on Sunday, July 26th:
A Perseid Fireball
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Before And After Of Sammy Sosa Skin
It also does not seem to be a case of vitiligo, which is what Michael Jackson had. This normally advances in patches (it exists in your humble reporter’s own family) and does not change the entire complexion at one go.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Payudara Besar Idaman Pria
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Download Antivirus AVG 9 Versi Terbaru HANYA DISINI!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Jenazah Noordin M Top Diberangkatkan Ke Malaysia
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Michael Jackson Belum Meninggal
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Download Video Mesum Pelajar SMA Malang
Dalam adegan tersebut, terlihat pemeran laki-laki masih berpakaian lengkap sedang menciumi buah dada/payudara gadis yang setengah telanjang. Adegan berikutnya, sang perempuan mulai melucuti pakaiannya hingga telanjang bulat. Dan pemeran laki-laki ini langsung menciumi kemaluan si gadis tanpa menyetubuhinya. Diduga adegan ini direkam melalui camera ponsel dan dilakukan di ruangan tertutup.
AR (20) salah satu pemuda yang tak mau disebutkan tempat tinggalnya kepada wartawan mengaku video tersebut sudah beredar sejak 3 hari lalu dan banyak diperbincangkan anak-anak sekolah di Kota Madiun.
"Tak tahu mas siapa pertama yang mendapat video ini, yang jelas sudah tiga hari ini saya mendapatkan dari teman," jelas AR kepada wartawan, Kamis (4/6/2009).
AR menambahkan dalam video porno 3gp tersebut diduga diperankan oleh pelajar SMA favorit di Kota Madiun direkam melalui kamera ponsel.
Sementara hingga saat ini pihak kepolisian masih belum bisa dikonfirmasi terkait penyebaran video bokep 3gp yang diduga melibatkan pelajar SMA tersebut. Sementara Kasat Reskrim Polresta Madiun saat dihubungi wartawan belum bisa dikonfirmasi karena masih rapat.
Bagi yang mau download, maaf anda ketipu! Jangan mesum donk ah!!! Hehehe..
Sumber :
Angelina Jolie Sukses Menggusur Oprah Winfrey
Jolie menduduki peringkat pertama daftar 100 Most Powerfull Celebrity versi majalah Forbes. Ini untuk pertama kalinya, kekasih Brad Pitt itu menduduki peringkat nomoer satu.
Daftar tersebut dirilis Forbes berdasarkan perhitungan kekayaan dan ketenaran dari artis tersebut. Rupanya pada tahun ini Oprah tak lagi sekaya dan setenar tahun lalu.
"Selama setahun ini, kekayaan Jolie meningkat US$ 27 juta selama setahun terakhir ini. Jolie juga artis yang paling terkenal di planet ini," begitu penjelasan Senior Editor Forbes, Matthew Miller, Kamis (4/6/2009).
Berada di bawah Jolie dan Oprah ada penyanyi Madonna. Pada 2009 ini, menurut Forbes, kekayaan mantan istri Guy Ritchie itu mencapai US$ 110 juta.
Berikut sebagian artis yang masuk daftar 100 Most Powerfull Celebrity:
1. Angelina Jolie
2. Oprah Winfrey
3. Madonna
4. Beyonce Knowles
5. Tiger Woods
6. Bruce Springsteen
7. Steven Spielberg
8. Jennifer Aniston
9. Brad Pitt
10. Kobe Bryant.
Sumber :
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Eminem Tertimpa Bokong dari Langit
Sacha Baron Cohen yang biasa disapa Borat aka Bruno, si pelaku tindakan konyol tersebut. Di tengah-tengah acara, Bruno yang berbusana seperti peri melayang melintasi tengah ruangan.
Tiba-tiba Bruno tersangkut dan ia jungkir balik di udara. Ia berteriak minta diturunkan, akhirnya dalam posisi terbalik, Bruno mendarat tepat di tempat duduk Eminem.
Bokong Bruno hanya berbalut g-string menempel tepat di wajah Eminem. Pelantun hits 'Mocking Bird' itu pun langsung menampakkan wajah bete. Beberapa selebriti tertawa melihat kejadian tersebut, namun sepertinya hal itu tak lucu bagi Eminem.
Sahabat Eminem yang duduk di sampingnya langsung menyingkirkan Bruno. Mereka berusaha menjauhkan Bruno dari Eminem. Dengan wajah ditekuk, Eminem langsung meninggalkan acara.
"Apa kamu serius? Singkirkan dia dari saya," ucap Eminem yang kemudian berlalu dari tempat duduknya.
Sementara itu pemeran film 'Ali G' itu malah terus berkelakar kepada Eminem dan kerabatnya. "Jangan sentuh saya, saya sudah punya pacar", celetuknya.
Kini video
Indra Bekti Pengen Menikah???
"Iya saya nikah tahun depan. Kita udah serius. Aku dan orang tua dia udah ngomong ke arah sana," ujar Indra Bekti ditemui di Studio Penta, Jakarta Barat.
Indra Bekti mengaku sudah mendiskusikan hal ini dengan keluarganya dan juga keluarga calon istrinya. Hingga saat ini, presenter 'Ceriwis' itu memang belum mau membuka identitas sang kekasih hati tersebut.
Hanya saja, kekasih Indra turut memanfaatkan waktu libur kuliahnya untuk persiapan pernikahan. Calon istri Indra Bekti ternyata diketahui masih kuliah di negeri Jiran, Malaysia.
Indra Bekti pun mengaku saat ini dia mulai sering mendatangi acara pernikahan untuk mencari inspirasi bagi resepsi pernikahannya kelak. Indra punya impian besar tersendiri di hari pernikahannya tahun depan.
mumber :
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Choose The Right Webhosting Here
Web Hosting Choice is a free research guide to help you to choose the right webhosting for your personal or business website. Web Hosting Choice focus is on serving a simple, easy to follow site to help you who want to find web hosting to choose the best web hosting plan most suitable for a small site or for a large e-commerce website.
The web hosting sites, which were rated highest in the industry, are listed below and are rated based on affordability, reliability, uptime and tech support. Find your best webhosting here. I'm sure you will be satisfied.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Camelback Trade Show Products
If you need nice display for your products, Camelback Displays, Inc. can help you to create all sizes of displays which companies who exhibit booths at trade shows with the design and delivery of display truss, trade show displays. Such as logo floor mats, banner stands, truss displays, directors chairs & all types of exhibit furniture, table covers and much more.
Camelback has helped over 16,000 customers since 1999! So don't worry, your order will finished right on time. Camelback offer the biggest variety of tradeshow displays on the market with many options. If you want to know all information about Camelback, browse its online catalog of portable trade show exhibits, graphics, banner stands, truss displays, directors chairs & all types of exhibit furniture, table covers, flooring and much more.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Display Direct Will Make Good Display for Your Banner
I just found a website which serve service to people who want to make display for banner. The company name is Display Direct, and its site is which has nice looking at its website. Let's try to open it site and set price to told it making your order.
Display Direct company address is at Australia, so for people from other Australia country who want to order, may be it needs quite a long time. But don't worry because it works very good, so your money won't be meaningless.
For an Australia people, may be you need this company to make trade show display australia, roll up banner australia, and other using of banner which may good for your company prosperity. Positif thinking make all what you do in your life meaningful and not meaningless.
Friday, March 6, 2009
The categories include Arts & Crafts Tips ,
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Get Scholarships from
Don't worry! Because Private Student Loans offer you low-cost, borrower discount, and flexible repayment options. If you have borrowed many smart student, you can make your college proud because I think they can win many competitions which give money present for the student and college where are they study. So, your college not only can be famous but also richer.
And for the student, do you think that you are smart and suitable to get that scholarship? Have you ever heard "Student Loans"? Let's subscribe in, and wait for college or university which want to loan smart student. For the student who loaned, it is a good situation for you to be loaned by other country. It means that you, a smart student can get a scholarship to study in other country. That's a very good way for you who want a scholarship.
This information give known by my friend who working at
Friday, February 20, 2009
3 Months Free Fee For International Channel
Directtv company set cheap price for you to subscribe some international channels. Your boring activity can be replaced with some international channels, and it will make you happy for long time. I'm sure you will excite after you searching for many international channels.
Get over 28 movie channels after you subscribe to Direct TV. Direct TV gives you free fee for 3 months, here you save $23 for 12 months too because its very cheap. You can order online too for subscribe Direct TV international channel.
Many packets provides by Direct TV for you, Premier packet, Plus HD DVR packet, Plus DVR packet, Choice XTRA packet, Choice packet, and Family packet. You can choose which packet that you need to replace your worthless time to watching international channel.
Booking Ticket Online With
You guess accurately!!! That is booking ticket. I think you know what I mean about it, booking ticket for watching a concert or for watching a film is the best way for you, who want to watching a concert without run out of ticket.
Now, booking ticket could do online. We must not come to its place and buy ticket, queue first until many hours. Now we can book online, we needn't to come to its place, queue first, did not waste your worth time.
There many ticket that you can book first at, like : Wrigley Field tickets, High School Musical tickets, Miami Dolphins tickets, Boston Red Sox tickets, Chicago Cubs tickets. So many good tickets that I can't tell you more. Booking ticket online is the best way for you, so let's visit now, and you will know how to book online!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Kontes Blog 1 Tahun Telah Dimulai
Hadiah dalam suatu kontes yang diselenggarakan, tentunya tidak hanya disponsori oleh 1 sponsor saja. Oleh karena itu, hadiah dalam kontes inipun juga tidak disponsori oleh 1 sponsor saja, melainkan untuk saat ini, hadiah yang ada didonasikan oleh 4 sponsor.
FabForex, A Guide To Online Forex Currency Trading
Forex trading is profit for us if we do currency trading. But like what i was said before, playing forex trading is so risk, so we must worry to play it! With proper research and dedication, you can made more profits from forex trading.
If you don't know how to play forex trading in good condition, FabForex will teach you to do it. FabForex is a site which can guide you to online forex currency trading. You can invest in foreign currecy from your computer from low exchange rates until high exchange rates.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Contribute Your Money At
At DareDealer, you can contribute your money and earn money too. When you save your money here, you can take out your money back, and you can contribute your money too. If like that, it means you are a philanthropist. You will go to heaven if you was dead :D
DareDealer give everyone a chance to raise his/her money, but, every participant must donate his/her $10 to someone else's dare in order to do their own. Take a look at and you will know more than what I was explain to you. Some of DareDealer members are doing to promote their causes of choice, while earning a little something extra money on the side for themselves. Some again support someone else's dare or do one for yourself.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Extra Credit With Many Features
Maybe you have discovered that some credit card issues are same with retail banks. You may to have checking or saving account with it. But each other have different purpose.
At Extra Credit Cards you will find special credit card offers that provide you extra bonuses once you start using your credit card. If you are looking for extras, let's sign up at :D
There are many features that offered by Extra Credit Cards. For examples, there are 3 features, first is "Ready Prepaid Debit Card", second is "Vantage Debit MasterCard", and the third is "Greendot Prepaid MasterCard".
For retail merchants, accepting credit cards is the safe way, because credit cards are a guaranteed payment. Unlike checks, which may return, payment on a credit card is guaranteed payment from his bank, the instant way to processed the transaction. Unlike in America, merchants in other countries may prefer check the signatures to credit cards. Fraudulent purchases will only be paid by the credit issuers if the signature / ID was checked at the time of purchase in some nations.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Teliti Dahulu Sebelum Membayar!
Sesampai disana, aku langsung mengambil nomor antrean. Eh, dapet nomer 909, dan nomer yang sedang berjalan nomer 900. Pikirku, menunggu 9 orang tidak lama lah, mungkin hanya 1 jam saja sudah cukup. Secara logika, jika anda ada dipihak saya, pasti anda berpikir seperti saya. 1 jam berjalan, nomer antrean yang berjalan masih nomer 906. Tidak tahu apa yang dilakukan orang nomer antrean 900-906 tersebut, begitu lama berkonsultasi dengan customer service'nya. Setelah selesai, nomer antreat 907 dan 908 pun juga demikian. Apalagi nomer antrean 908, kira2 bisa ada 45 menit sendiri dia gunakan untuk berkonsultasi. Dan hingga akhirnya, setelah 2 jam menunggu, nomer antreanku keluar dan langsung aku menuju customer service'nya untuk membeli voucher indosat broom.
Tanpa basa basi, langsung aku bilang "Mbak, mau beli voucher indosat broom 4". Dia langsung menanggapinya dengan mengambilkan voucher tersebut. Tanpa mengecek, karena pengen cepet pulang juga, aku langsung bayar 400 ribu dan kubawa pulang voucher tersebut.
Apa yang aneh? Jangan bosen baca donk! :D
Sesampai dirumah, aku tidak mengeceknya karena pasti isinya seperti biasanya. Hari itu berjalan seperti biasa. Dan malam aku tertidur lelap. Besok paginya (hari ini), aku langsung nyalakan komputer dan menop-up indosat broomku, karena aku pengen pake di handphone pas ke sekolah nanti pikirku. Langsung aku top-up, setelah selesai aku top-up, aku liat di layar monitorku, lho kok tulisannya "top-up berhasil sebesar Rp.50.000,-"! Padahal biasanya Rp.100.000,-, langsung aku liat vouchernya, eh bener, aku dikasih voucher yang Rp.50.000,-. Sialan tuh mbaknya, g diliat dulu pas ngasih! Dikasih cuma 4 pula, kan meski g yang Rp.100.000,- an 4, seharusnya kan dikasih 8 untuk yang Rp.50.000,-! Dasar aku orangnya juga ceroboh, jadi g ngecek dulu pas dikasih barangnya.
Untungnya, kemaren dikasih kwitansi pembayaranku, jadinya bisa complain ke indosat lagi dan minta barangnya lagi. Jadi g rugi deh :D Cuma rugi waktu dan bensin doank :D
1 pelajaran yang aku dapat dari kejadian ini, yaitu "Telitilah Dahulu Sebelum Membayar Barang Pembelianmu!" Hehehe..
Monday, January 26, 2009
Payday Loans ABC, Payday Loan Agency
Payday Loans ABC is the solution for anyone who need a quick payday loan, easy way of emergency cash. Have no fear. It does not matter if you need as low as $100 or as high $500, Payday Loans ABC can make it for you.
Process is simple. Take a few minutes to complete the online applications provided by Payday Loans ABC system. Amd then, in about 24 hours, your loan will appear safely in your account.
Payday Loans ABC there for help you, does not matter if you have bankrupted, have poor credit, or have no credit at all. First-time, you can borrow for loans as high as $500
Payday Loans ABC make every effort to keep the information on its website 100% every time. Payday Loans ABC updates regularly. If you find something wrong with Payday Loans ABC, its encourage you to contact e-mail Payday Loans ABC.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Repair Your Bad Credit Online
Was not significant how your life story, your background, or credit that had been used by you, you will be surprised how this simple company could do what the other company could not do. Repair credit.
You were trying to use your time well, your money. Possibly, you had known that the history of your credit will stall forever if you did not pay the bill of your credit card. You can know how to do credit repair that was needed by you.
So, if you ever use credit card and you can't pay it at that time, but you need to earn something that you need, you can had it if you do this one, improve credit, at Bad Credit Repair Online. Let's loan online at Bad Credit Repair Online.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Kemarin lusa, coba2 buka google analytics, liat bagaimana perkembangan ilmu SEO yang tidak pernah kuterapkan itu. Eh ternyata, udah 100 lebih pengunjung yang ketangkap sama google analytics'ku. Lumayan sih untuk ukuran personal blog yang setiap postingannya tidak bermutu seperti blogku ini :)
Cukup dulu pesimisnya :D
Setelah liat2 di google analytics, otomatis aku pengen tahu keyword apa aja yang paling banyak dicari orang di blog jelek ini, ternyata youtube. Kalau begitu tentu aku perlu melakukan eksplorasi lebih dalam tentang youtube nih :D Bukan begitu teman? :)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
ShopWiki Womens Trainers
ShopWiki have 30,000 stores instead of the usual 1,000 stores that other shopping sites have. It means, ShopWiki will be same like a moment later. ShopWiki Womens Trainers serve you "Womens Trainers" that you need for training at gym.
If "Womens Trainers", it means there was many shoes that will sell by ShopWiki. There was many merk of shoes products in ShopWiki, example like : Puma, Reebok, Adidas, Nike. High quality of that 4 merk, so amazing shoes. So, buy it now from ShopWiki! :D
Saturday, January 10, 2009
An Online Loan Agency "Bad Credit Loan Shop"
Friday, January 9, 2009
Great Furniture For Your House
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Cheap Web Hosting from Only $4/Month
At you can find your web hosting that you want by search it on that site, 400 webhosting listed there. Certainly, you will find a good web hosting that you want here. Maybe I will do the same if I became you :)
You can search Best Cheap Web Hosting in 3 category. You can search by set monthly price for find the price that you like (from $5/month until $40/month), you can search by the quota access limit for your web from 50 MB until 5 GB, you can search too by the platform that you use (Windows, Linux, etc). Fantastic!!!
Free Blog Hosting Site "Okay Blog"
Post everyday can make your blog more popular and Google will give you pagerank too if you find backlink for your free blog. You can make money online if you were had just 1 pagerank. You never think about making money online? You are very dull if you haven't know how to make money online yet!!! Create your free blog first and then let's search many article about how to make money online in the internet by using search engine like Google, Yahoo, MSN, and so one. Do it now, let's create your free blog!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A Nice Online Store Named "ShopWiki"
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Look Younger In Just 30 Days
- Use "Renewing Cleansing Cream" which you have been buy
- Use the serum "Age Diffusing Serum"
- To rejuvenates your skin, use "Age Balancing Night Cream" at night
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Tanpa basa-basi aku langsung mendaftar di beberapa broker paid review, terutama Sponsored Reviews. Aku daftar tanpa referral karena terburu-buru, sayang sekali :(
Sudah 3 hari aku menunggu blogku agar diapprove oleh Sponsored Reviews. Aku sudah tak sabar agar 2 blog yang aku daftarkan (NdesO dan N&L) diapprove oleh Sponsored Reviews untuk segera mengerjakan review2 yang ada :D Lumayan kan dapet $$$ :D
Bagi yang blognya sudah ber-PR berapapun, kalau mau daftar Sponsored Reviews, daftar pakai referralku ya! INI linknya :)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Hadiah Akhir Tahun Dari Google
Iya, hadiah akhir tahun dari Google ya yang udah kita nikmati sekarang ini! Update pagerank yang otomatis pasti lebih baik dari pagerank sebelumnya. Pagerank blog NdesO'ku ini, yang awalnya N/A waktu update pagerank pertama blogku pagerank'nya berubah jadi 0, dan sekarang akhir tahun kemarin Google update pagerankku jadi 3. G nyangka, Google baik hati sekali :) Thank you Google.. :D
Dan tak disangka pula, blog abal2ku yang jarang banget aku update, dari N/A berubah menjadi 2. Sungguh Google lagi baik hati kemarin :D
Berapa pagerank blogmu sekarang? Tuangkan di form komentar dibawah ini ya! :D